
17 Quotes About Long Weekends, Make Good Captions for Your Vacation Pictures on Facebook, Instagram and Whastapp

Holiday, sometimes known as a long weekend This extended period falls on Vesak Day, 2568 BE.

The 24th has been declared a Public Leave Day by the government in addition to being a National Holiday on this day.

17 Quotes About Long Weekends, Make Good Captions for Your Vacation Pictures on Facebook, Instagram and Whastapp

Here’s an idea for updating Instagram photographs with quotations in English regarding long weekends: captions.

1. “A long weekend is the perfect time to recharge and refresh your mind.”
“A long holiday is the perfect time to recharge and refresh your mind.”

2. “Long weekends are for making memories that last a lifetime.”
“Long vacations are for making memories that last a lifetime.”

3. “Take a break, it’s a long weekend!”
“Beristirahatlah, ini liburan panjang!”

4. “Long weekends are the best remedy for a busy life.”
“A long vacation is the best medicine for a busy life.”

5. “A long weekend is a mini-vacation that everyone needs.”

“A long vacation is the mini vacation that everyone needs.”

6. “Cherish every moment of your long weekend.”
“Treasure every moment of your long vacation.”

7. “Long weekends are the perfect opportunity to explore new places.”
“Liburan panjang adalah kesempatan sempurna untuk menjelajahi tempat-tempat baru.”

8. “Make the most of your long weekend; it’s a gift of time.”
“Manfaatkan liburan panjang Anda sebaik mungkin; itu adalah hadiah waktu.”

9. “A long weekend is a great time to unwind and relax.”
“Liburan panjang adalah waktu yang tepat untuk bersantai dan rileks.”

10. “Enjoy the long weekend and let go of all your worries.”
“Nikmati liburan panjang dan lepaskan semua kekhawatiran Anda.”

11. “Long weekends are meant for adventure and discovery.”
“Liburan panjang dimaksudkan untuk petualangan dan penemuan.”

12. “Take advantage of the long weekend to do something you love.”
“Manfaatkan liburan panjang untuk melakukan sesuatu yang Anda cintai.”

13. “A long weekend is a reminder to slow down and enjoy life.”
“Liburan panjang adalah pengingat untuk melambat dan menikmati hidup.”

14. “Long weekends are like a breath of fresh air for the soul.”
“Liburan panjang seperti napas udara segar bagi jiwa.”

15. “Spend your long weekend doing what makes you happy.”
“Habiskan liburan panjang Anda melakukan apa yang membuat Anda bahagia.”

16 “A long weekend is a chance to reconnect with yourself and loved ones.”
“Liburan panjang adalah kesempatan untuk kembali terhubung dengan diri sendiri dan orang-orang terkasih.”

17. “Make every long weekend count; fill it with joy and laughter.”
“Manfaatkan setiap liburan panjang; penuhi dengan kebahagiaan dan tawa.”

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